Climate Change, Carbon Farming and Trading

The Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups (YAN) is hosting a public seminar in Yass on Wednesday 9th April 2008 on Climate Change, Carbon Farming and Trading. The purpose of the seminar is to improve community understanding on global warming and carbon trading.
The seminar is aimed at land managers as well as industry, research and government.
The seminar will address, inter alia:
- The evidence for climate change and its likely consequences for the region's farmers;
- How farmers might respond including through carbon farming and trading;
- How carbon trading works, its benefits, costs and risks; and
- Likely government policy options toward agriculture as a major emitter and potentially major sequester of carbon.
The following speakers will address the themes:
Professor Will Steffen
Director, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University
Dr David Freudenberger
Director, Science and Major Projects, Greening Australia
Dr Don Gunasekera
Chief Economist, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Mr David Pearce
Director and Principal Policy Analyst, Centre for International Economics
Mike and Louisa Kiely
Practising Carbon Farmer and President, Carbon Alliance
Mr John Lawrie
Catchment Co-ordinator - Slopes, Central West Catchment Management Authority
Mr Mick Keogh
Executive Director, Australian Farm Institute
Dr Mark Howden
Senior Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO
Sarina Locke, local ABC rural reporter with chair the seminar.
Location and Time: Yass Soldiers Club, Meehan Street, Yass, NSW. Please arrive at 8.30am for the opening address at 9.00am.
Cost: $25.00 (including lunch and refreshments)
Information: Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority Community Support Officer: Rebecca Glasgow (02) 6118 6014 or email
Registration: Please register prior to the seminar date as only limited registration facilities will be available at the seminar venue. The registration form may either be completed and submitted electronically or printed and posted to Rebecca Glasgow, MCMA CSO, PO Box 23 Yass, NSW 2582.