Draft agenda for meeting 20th Feb 2008

- Minutes of previous meeting
- Business arising from previous meeting
- Treasurers report
- Special resolution – changes to Mli rules (constitution)
- Report from Landcare NSW Inc meeting held on 4th February and attended by Marion Benjamin representing MLi. Communique from meeting to be distributed.
- Proposition that MLi host the 2008 Landcare Muster in the upper catchment on the day prior to our Annual Forum presented in collaboration with the UMCCC. Landcarers from across NSW are invited to the Landcare Muster to consider issues facing landcare and to formulate goals for Landcare NSW Inc for 2009.
- Update on Woolworths project applications
- Update on NLP application.
- Letters of support from Landcare Networks·
- Possible inclusion of EH Graham Centre/Meat & Livestock Australia project on biological controls of weed, Silverleaf Nightshade.
- Community generated projects from Networks
- Future research projects:
- EH Graham Centre initiating forum to discuss stubble management and impact on human and environmental health and consequences for agriculture. Wagga Wagga has an exceptionally high rate of asthma. Stubble burning is blamed but no research has been conducted to identify cause. This forum will function as a ‘thinktank’ to develop research projects involving bio-medical, agricultural and community players. MLi to be informed of proposed research projects and possible role for landcare
- Department of Education, Charles Sturt University has received an Australian Research Council Discovery grant, coinciding with the UN Decade for Sustainabilty, to research education for sustainability. PhD researcher, Penny Cooke, is interested in working with local landcare groups to investigate the informal ways (ie. outside of the education system) community groups educate for sustainability.
- ‘Mobile Muster trees in the Murrumbidgee.’ How to manage contract and finances between MLi and participating landcare groups.
- Update on Annual Forum 2008 planning