Engaging ecological sustainability through community development.

An international Eco Community conference.
Community Development and Ecology: Engaging ecological sustainability through community development.
Melbourne: 26 - 28 March 2008.
- Community Development & Rural /Regional Issues: carbon offset actions/reafforestation, bioregional action, green corridors, forest action, land care, water action, critiques and efficiency.
- Community Development and Building Social Movements: networking across differences, making local/global links eg zero emissions, aid development and carbon emissions, emerging climate change action groups.
- Community Development & Urban Renewal: changing/greening cities, restoring neighbourliness, green transport.
- Community Development & Housing: cooperative, rural and metropolitan, community activism for energy efficiency, community gardens.
- Community Development & Food Sovereignty/Relocalisation: food and resource production (carbon neutral communities / restoring local/cooperative activities and local economies and water issues).
- Community Development & Globalisation: developing countries and climate change issues; rapidly developing economies, energy demands and the impact of climate change upon the poorest countries; climate change refugees, water issues, fair (and green) trade issues.
- Community Development: Responding to disasters: effective community development responses to natural and socio/ political disaster. Ensuring sustainable international aid programs. What can community development offer?
See: Deakin University Centre for Citizenship and Human Rights