Rudd Government election commitments for rural and regional Australia

Media Release
The Hon Tony Burke MP
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
The Rudd Government continues to deliver on its election commitments for rural and regional Australia, with major new initiatives funded through the 2008-09 Budget.
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Tony Burke said the centrepiece of plans to tackle climate change was the $130.0 million Australia’s Farming Future initiative, to be funded over four years with the first allocation in the 2008-09 Budget.
Other Budget initiatives to deliver on Labor’s election commitments include:
- On-going support for EC-declared regions with $760.9 million for Exceptional Circumstances assistance in 2008-09;
- $20.0 million to help Australia’s forestry industries prepare for the future, including the impact of climate change and the skills shortage;
- New measures to fight weeds that drain $4 billion annually from the economy, including $15.3 million to reduce the impact of weeds on farm and forestry productivity;
- A $35.0 million Regional Food Producers’ Innovation and Productivity Program to encourage the growth of vibrant regional food industries and a $5.0 million program to promote agricultural and seafood produce domestically and overseas.
Mr Burke said the Government had been working hard since the election to implement key reforms, including to the wheat export marketing system.
“Our first Budget shows we remain committed to delivering on our promises,†Mr Burke said.
“We will help our primary industries meet the global challenges of climate change and a shrinking world and to benefit from new international opportunities.â€
The Rudd Government has already announced a number of important initiatives for rural and regional Australia including:
- The $2.2 billion Caring for our Country program to provide a new, coordinated approach to environmental management in Australia and strengthen the role of farmers in the delivery of environmental services;
- A $1 billion emergency funding package to ensure assistance continues for those affected by drought and the equine influenza outbreak; and
- An independent, expert review into Australia’s quarantine and biosecurity measures systems headed by Roger Beale AO.