Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news - October 2017

Welcome to the October edition of Murrumbidgee Landcare's e-news!
The 2017 NSW Landcare and LLS Conference is being held in Albury next week! If you haven’t already registered, get in now to make sure you don’t miss out. The NSW Landcare Award winners will be announced at the Conference dinner, and there are several nominees from the Riverina - we congratulate all our local Landcare Champions, and wish you the best of luck.
Details regarding the investment in Phase Two of the National Landcare Program have been released, with $1 billion to be delivered over the next five years. Find out about what is being funded, and be sure to have your say.
As usual, there are plenty of interesting events to get involved in, including a mental health workshop at Tarcutta, a Superb Parrot and Pygmy Perch bird walk at Booroowa, a seed collection and tree identification walk at Book Book, and a Rivers of Carbon bus tour at Yass. Plus lots more!
If you would like more information on anything, or would like to talk to someone about Landcare in your region, please feel free to contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office.
Congratulations to the Riverina's Landcare Champions!
National Landcare Program - Phase Two - Find out what is being funded under the next phase of the NLP
Online consultation on the National Landcare Program "Regional Land Partnerships" - Survey closes 23 Oct
Landcare NSW Supporter program - Your chance to get involved
Visit My Farm - An opportunity for farmers to get involved in agri-tourism, and for urban residents to explore farms in the Riverina!
Charles Massy releases a new book on regenerative farming
Privatising Travelling Stock Routes may endanger vital woodlands
Online database - Species Profiles and Threats - A useful tool for landholders and NRM workers
Upcoming events
Native seed propagation workshop - Temora - 19 Oct
"Growing the bottom line" field trip - Booroowa - 19 Oct
Young District Landcare AGM - Young - 19 Oct
Biosecurity planning workshop - Tarcutta - 20 Oct
Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW information session - Griffith - 20 Oct
The Wired open day Festival - Cootamundra - 21 Oct
Mental health workshop - Tarcutta - 23 Oct
Food Sovereignty Convergence - Canberra - 23-24 Oct
Aussie Backyard Bird Count - 23-29 Oct
Australian Agronomy Conference - Ballarat - 24-28 Oct
NSW Landcare Muster - Albury - 25 Oct
Landcare and Local Land Services Conference - Albury - 25-27 Oct
Rural Women's Gathering - Narrandera - 27-29 Oct
Willows, weeds and waterways - Bumbalong - 28 Oct
Frog survey at Mulloon Creek - Bungendore - 28 Oct
"Land and water for Superb Parrots and Pygmy Perch" bird walk and BBQ - Booroowa - 4 Nov
Tree identification and seed collection walk - Book Book - 8 Nov
YAN Rivers of Carbon bus tour and Award night - Yass - 18 Nov
WWUL Christmas party and AGM - Wagga - 26 Nov
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group Christmas party - Oberne - 19 Dec
Funding and other opportunities
Paddock Tree project: Landholder expression of interest
NAB Foundation Sustainable Regions Grants - Closes 27 Oct
Tucker Foundation Grants - Closes 30 Oct
Small Environmental Grant Scheme - Closes Nov (or when all funds allocated)
Community Landcare Pop-up Grants - Closes 30 Apr 2018 (or when all funds allocated)
Community Litter Grants - Ongoing (until all funds allocated)
Landcare NSW Bulletin - October 2017
Decision Point - October 2017
NRM on Farms - October 2017
The Murrumbidgee Naturalist (the newsletter of the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists) - October 2017