Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news - November 2017

Welcome to the November edition of Murrumbidgee Landcare's e-news!
It has been a busy month, with lots of successful events taking place, including the 2017 NSW Landcare and LLS Conference. The NSW Landcare Award winners were also announced - congratulations to all the winners, including our very own Cross Property Planning project, which won the Australian Government’s “Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices” Award!
There have been some changes at MLi with Maddy Gorham, our much-loved Local Landcare Coordinator for the mid-Murrumbidgee, moving on to a new role. However we are very excited to welcome Anne Duncan, who started last week as MLi’s new Executive Officer. We look forward to Anne helping MLi to power on through the coming years.
It is raining as I write this, with just over 6 mm in the gauge and (hopefully) more to come over the next few days. Hopefully you are receiving some of the rain too; and a nice wet day is also the perfect opportunity to take your time reading this newsletter, and plan some activities for the coming months!
If you would like more information on anything, or would like to talk to someone about Landcare in your region, please feel free to contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office.
Nicole and the team at MLi
NSW Champions of Landcare announced!
Local Landholder Case Studies - Booklet released
Riverina Highlands Landcare Nursery - Are you planning to plant in 2018?
Wild deer issues - Community survey
Outing to Charcoal Tank Reserve on 9 September 2017
Upcoming events
Wild pollinator count - 12 to 19 Nov
Eastern Riverina Landcare group AGM - Yerong Creek - 16 Nov
YAN Rivers of Carbon bus tour and Award night - Yass - 18 Nov
K2C Save our Scarlet Robin workshops - Michelago & Bombala - 18 Nov & 9 Dec
K2C Christmas working bee and lunch - Yass Gorge - 19 Nov
National Carp Control Plan info sessions - Deni, Griffith & Wagga - 20-22 Nov
National Ag Day breakfast - Wagga - 21 Nov
Riverina Ag Network Christmas party - Wagga - 23 Nov
Celebrating the Monaro Golden Daisy workshop - Cooma - 23 Nov
WWUL Christmas party and AGM - Wagga - 26 Nov
Inspiring & demystifying governance for Landcare groups - Young - 30 Nov
Who is living on my land? - Adaminaby - 2 Dec
Monaro Soils and Geology tour - Cooma - 5 Dec
K2C mini-forum: ACT government approach to weed management - Queanbeyan - 8 Dec
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group Christmas party - Oberne - 19 Dec
Funding and other opportunities
Paddock Tree project: Landholder expression of interest
Eucalypt Australia small grants - Closing 25 Nov
National Landcare Program - Smart Farms small grants - Closing 7 Dec
Women's Leadership Development scholarships - Closing 15 Dec
Building Better Regions - Community Investments Fund - Closing 19 Dec
Community Landcare Pop-up Grants - Closing 30 Apr 2018 (or when all funds allocated)
South East Local Leaders program - Applications open - Closing 24 Jan 2018
Community Litter Grants - Ongoing (until all funds allocated)