Managing Hillsides on the South West Slopes

The Riverina Highlands Landcare Network in conjunction with the Department of Primary Industries is holding a half day field day on Managing Hillsides on the South West Slopes.
Key speaker will be Dr Jim Virgona, Senior Agronomy Lecturer from the Charles Sturt University who will discuss the economically viable options available to landholders in managing hillside country.
Others speakers include District Agronomists, Department of Primary Industries Nathan Ferguson and Nigel Phillips who will outline species identification techniques farmers can use at home. Nathan and Nigel will also outline some management practices to maintain groundcover, promote favourable species and improve productivity on hillsides.
The field day will be held at Rodney Purcells property ‘Eloura’, Brungle Creek Rd next wednesday the 27th August starting with a BBQ lunch at 12.00pm.
For catering purposes RSVP to Murrumbidgee CMA Community Support Officer Cherie White on 69412253 or email