Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news - April 2018

Welcome to the April edition of Murrumbidgee Landcare's e-news!
Murrumbidgee Landcare is currently very busy working to develop a strategic plan for Landcare in the Riverina - and we’d like to hear from you!
Landcare has been around in the Riverina since the early 1990s. Almost 30 years on, it is time to celebrate what has worked, identify priorities for moving forward and to set in place a plan for all stakeholders to work better together. The outcomes will be of enormous benefit for our region as we continue to work with many sectors of the community in natural resource management and agriculture.
So how can you get involved? We want to hear from everyone, whether you’re currently involved in Landcare or not! Here’s how you can have your say:
- Attend a Focus Group: We’re holding a series of 2-hour focus group sessions, at Hay, Leeton, Murrumburrah, Adelong, Humula and Henty. All sessions will be held between 1 and 3 May, and will be 2 hours long with light refreshments provided. For more details, and to RSVP, click here
- Complete the Online Survey: The survey is now open here. It only takes around 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close on 30 April.
As always, if you would like more information on anything, or would like to talk to someone about Landcare in your region, please feel free to contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office.
Nicole and the team at MLi
Riverina Landcare Strategic Plan 2023 - Survey closes 31 Apr
Apply to join a NPWS regional advisory committee - Closes 1 May
Sheep producers - Survey of needs
LLS Autumn feeding guide for sheep released
Gully erosion and assessment control guide released
“Spidentify” - New interactive app for Australian spider identification
Long-term silverleaf nightshade control: Updated tips and tactics
Upcoming events
Rivers field day - Numeralla - 21 Apr
Traditional burning for the 21st century workshops - Various locations, upper Murrumbidgee - Various dates between 21 Apr and 2 Jun
Toddler Toddles - Livingstone National Park (nr Wagga) - 22 Apr
Understanding lameness, with Neil Chesterton - Finley - 23 Apr
Active Farmers - Tarcutta - Every Wed morning
School holiday program: All about frogs! - Gunning - 27 Apr
Bird identification field day - Colinton - 27 Apr
Healthy Country Planning training workshop - Blackheath (nr Sydney) - 27 to 29 Apr
"It's a wetland" field day - Dalgety - 28 Apr
Boorowa Community Landcare group meeting - Boorowa - 28 Apr
Sandy Point retreat - Vic - 28 to 29 Apr
Creek walk and BBQ - Bywong - 29 Apr
"Food and fibre: The original STEM" conference - Canberra - 29 to 30 Apr
Australasian Network for Ecology and Transportation conference - Creswick, VIC - 29 Apr to 2 May
Riverina Landcare Strategic Planning focus groups - Various locations - 1, 2 & 3 May
Event Development workshops - Wagga, Griffith & Albury - 1, 2 & 3 May
Farming with agroecology course - Upper Lachlan - 1, 2, 29 & 30 May (4-day course)
Biological weed control training day - Corrowong (nr Delegate) - 3 May
Landcare and Friends Celebration Dinner - Royalla - 5 May
Animal health and biosecurity workshop - Murrumbateman - 5 May
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group AGM - Humula - 9 May
KVLG AGM and dinner with Ginny Stevens - Wagga - 10 May
Binalong Landcare AGM and drone workshop - Binalong - 10 May
Inaugural South-east Australia Aboriginal Fire Forum - Canberra - 10 to 12 May
Curlew Summit - Albury - 16 May
"Conservation in Action" conference - Bathurst - 16-17 May
Who's living on my land? - Yerong Creek - 19 May
Join the climate conversation - Yass - 25 May
National Science Exchange 2018 - Melbourne - 29 to 31 May
Lunch with Charles Massy - 29 Jun
Citizen Science forum - Brisbane - 11 Aug
AgCatalyst - Melbourne - 15 Aug
21st Australasian Weeds Conference - Sydney - 9 to 13 Sep
2018 National Landcare Conference and Awards - Brisbane - 10 to 12 Oct
Annual Food Sovereignty Convergence - Canberra - 15 to 16 Oct
Funding and other opportunities
Australian Geographic Society sponsorship - Closes 30 Apr
Wagga City Council Annual Grants Program - Closes 14 May
AgriEducate Essay Competition - Closes 21 May
Max Day Environmental Science Fellowship Award - Closes 1 Jun
Spirit of Grains - Competition for kids - Closes 17 Sep
Indigenous Advancement Strategy Community Led Grants - Ongoing