Carbon comes to town: Landcare CarbonSMART forum for landholders

Australia’s leading not-for-profit carbon trading organisation, Landcare CarbonSMART, is launching in the Riverina and South West Slopes region of NSW with an information session for landholders taking place on 27 October at Wagga Wagga’s Business Enterprise Centre.
The forum will show how easy it is for landholders to enter the realm of carbon trading, carbon sequestration and carbon offsetting, notions that are gaining more currency as the debate over climate change and the impact of emissions intensifies.
DATE: Monday, 27th October
TIME: 7:00pm-8:30pm Training Room 1
LOCATION: Wagga Wagga Business Enterprise Centre, 66-70 Coleman Street, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Please RSVP to: Mari Le Grange, Landcare CarbonSMART, T (02) 9412 1040,