Biobanking: Balancing Development and Biodiveristy Conservation

Seminar presented by the Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law (ACCEL) at the Sydney Law School.
Wednesday 19 November 2008 5.15 - 7pm
173-175 Phillip Street, Sydney
This seminar will provide an overview of the recently established Biodiversity Banking and Offsets Scheme. Louisa Fitz-Gerald will explain the Threatened Species Conservation (Biodiversity Banking) Regulation 2008. She will consider the legal and regulatory issues relating to environmental trading markets and the strategies to ensure permanence of biodiversity gains.
Tom Holden will discuss the BioBanking Assessment Methodology. He will provide an overview of the methodology, discuss its potential benefits in the context of the current threatened species assessment process in NSW, and identify some key issues in relation to its implementation. Tom will draw on experience gained from the EDO's substantial involvement as a stakeholder in the development of the BioBanking scheme over the last 3 years, including the EDO’s involvement in focus groups and the Ministerial Reference Group.
Guest Speakers
Louisa Fitz-Gerald, Associate, Baker & McKenzie
Tom Holden, Scientific Director, Environmental Defender's Office (NSW)
Dr Andrew Edgar, Australian Centre for Climate and Environmental Law, Sydney Law School
Full fee registration $66 (GST inc)
Student/Concession $33 (GST inc)
To Register
Details of the seminar and registration form can be downloaded from the Law School website at: