Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisations (GVEHO) program 2008-09

Applications for the 2008-09 round of Grants for Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisation (GVEHO) are now open. Applications close at 5pm (AEDST) Friday 28 November 2008.
The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts will announce successful applications in early 2009.
What is the Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisations program?
The Grants to Voluntary Environment and Heritage Organisations (GVEHO) program helps eligible community based environment and historic heritage organisations to value, conserve and protect Australia's natural environment and historic heritage by assisting with their administrative funding.
What can be funded?
Funds provided through the GVEHO program may be used to assist with salaries and salary on-costs for executive and administrative staff; office accommodation rental; electricity, gas, phone and other similar charges; essential office supplies and equipment; staff and volunteer training; photocopying and printing costs; and travel costs incurred on behalf of the organisation.
Who can apply?
Grants are open to national, state/territory, regional and local not-for-profit organisations geared towards:
* The protection and/or enhancement of the natural environment; or
* The protection and /or conservation of Australia's historic heritage
Please refer to the GVEHO 2008-09 Guidelines for details about eligibility.
When is the closing date?
Applications for the 2008-09 round of GVEHO close at 5pm (AEDST) Friday 28 November 2008
For further information about the GVEHO program contact us
Phone: 02 6274 2422