Working breakfast on GM crops - EH Graham Centre

Venue: Conference Room, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Pine Gully Road, Wagga Wagga
Guest Speakers:
- Dr Suzanne Warwick, Principal Research Scientist, Agriculture & Agri-food, Ottawa, Canada
- Mr Murray Scholz, Culcairn farmer & Nuffield Scholar
Enquiries: Dr Rex Stanton, Tel 02 6938 1618, Email:
This working breakfast is aimed at farmers, advisors and consultants who are interested in learning more about GM crops and their impact. The two speakers will share their international knowledge of GM crops, with their presentations followed by a forum session.
Suzanne Warwick is visiting Australia on a Council of Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS) travel grant and is a keynote speaker at the GM Crops: Risks and Benefits seminar being hosted by the Weed Society of NSW and the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology in Sydney on 12 November (Bookings:
Suzanne is a Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada with a research focus on weed and crop evolution. She has published scientific papers on the population biology and genetics of herbicide resistant weed biotypes, invasive alien weed species, and the role of hybridization and introgression in weed evolution. Since the early 1990’s, she has specialised in the phylogeny and biodiversity of the Crucifer plant family (Brassicaceae, canola, mustards etc), and has currently been studying the environmental impact of commercially released GM modified canola crops.
Murray Scholz is a farmer from Culcairn, southern NSW, and has been an adopter of new technology for approximately 25 years. In 2007 Murray was awarded a Nuffield Australia Scholarship to study the implications of herbicide tolerant genetically modified crops on weed management. He also looked at pesticide development and regulation, together with organic methods of weed control. Murray’s research has taken him to North America, Europe and South America.
NOTE: PLEASE RSVP for catering purposes
(This is a FREE event - however if you wish to have breakfast, please RSVP so that we can cater appropriately)
Dr Rex Stanton
Post Doctoral Fellow
EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
Tel: 02 6938 1618