Leeton Glossy Black Cockatoo Count 18-02-2023

On the Saturday the 18th February we gathered at the gate to Mountain Dam and from there we headed out to our allocated dams, hoping to be in place and settled by 5:00pm. There were other counts conducted in the Narrandera and Cocoparra areas over this and the following weekend
In order to protect the privacy of the Landholders that gave us access to their properties for us to conduct this count. The area that we counted in as hill area surrounding Brobenah Hall, and Colinroobie Rd. In total we surveyed 8 sites from a possible 16 to 20 Dams that are adjacent to the Glossy Back Cockatoo (GBC) feeding area
In total there were 28 GBC sighted, including last season’s Juveniles as below.
As always there are many other birds and animals that will come in to drink at this time of the evening. The combined bird list from all sites is
Welcome Swallow |
Sacred Kingfisher |
Willie Wagtail |
Australasian Gebe |
Common Bronzewing |
Blue-faced Honeyeater |
Striped Honeyeater |
Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater |
Little Friarbird |
Australian Magpie |
Galah |
White-winged Chough |
Magpie Lark |
Red-rumped Parrot |
Australian Ringneck |
Peaceful Dove |
Pied Butcherbird |
Australian Wood Duck |
Pacific Black Duck |
Crested Pigeon |
Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike |
White-plumed Honeyeater |
Diamond Firetail |
Rainbow Bee-eater |
After everybody completed their count at dusk we all convened to discuss our sitings, and share dinner. As always at a MFN event the food was excellent and there was much discussion on a variety of topics associated with our natural environs.
My thanks go to the landholders that gave us access to their properties and participants that help with the count. [Our thanks to Dionee & Graham for hosting the BBQ. Ed]
Graham Russell
Griffith Glossy Black Cockatoo count - 18/19 February 2023
This was held on a still barmy warm weekend of the 18/19 February 2023 at Binya State Forest dams.
Sue Chittick-Dalton and I sat by the Wattle Dam under the big old Eucalyptus tree waiting for our prised birds. All that came were many Bronze-winged Pigeons, a few Crested Pigeons, Magpie Larks, flocks of Mulga Parrots, and Mallee Ring-necked Parrots that flew into the trees above us then flew on without a drink. A few Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters, a couple Singing Honeyeaters and a Black Kite soring high. We had 4 Swamp Wallabies visiting, one enjoying a dip while drinking. The seven Grey Kangaroos were much shyer.
Meredith and Peter on Mossy Dam, had 18 bird species though no Glossy Black Cockies. Wayne on Mt. Elliot Dam, Robert on Mitchell Dam, we all had NOT seen any Glossy Black Cockatoos! Other local property owners didn't have any luck with Cockies either.
Sunday 6.20pm Nella and I sat by the Woolshed Flats Dam. A few Mallee Ringnecks, Galahs flew into the trees then disappeared. Then a pair of young Glossy Black Cockies arrived and hung about in a tree above where we were sitting. Trying to get a good photo of them through the branches was frustrating. They flew off after a while when a Nankeen Kestrel came darting through the trees and did a number of acrobatic dives. They frightened all other maybe birds for a while. Next came were a pair of mature adults, male and female Glossy Black Cockatoos. They flew about and eventually drank their fill. They sat for a good while then moved on when another younger couple Glossy Black Cockatoos arrived that eventually came down and drank. They moved on after sitting about in the Eucalyptus trees. Next came another couple of Glossy Black Cockatoos doing much the same as others.
In all we had a total of 8 come in between 6.45 to 8.10pm. We were well entertained and very pleased that they still came to this secluded dam.
Rodney Guest of the Rankins Springs group had only a couple of volunteers to help out. He had 6 Glossy Black Cockatoos come to his dam and no success at the other observers’ dams.
Species List – Meredith & Peter on Moss Dam
Grey Teal (4), Willie Wagtail, Australasian Grebe (1) Peaceful Dove Silvereyes White-plumed Honeyeater, Western Gerygone, Grey Fantail, Bar-shouldered Dove Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Sacred Kingfisher ,White-winged Chough Common Bronzewing, Eastern Yellow Robin, Superb Fairy-wren, Laughing Kookaburra, Red-rumped Parrot, Australian Ringneck, Swamp Wallaby, Eastern Grey Kangaroo
Virginia Tarr photo by Nella Smith