Regional Development Australia - Expressions of Interest for NSW committees

Role of Regional Development Australia committees
RDA committees will assist the Australian, NSW and local governments by taking on a broad role to:
- provide advice to government about regional issues;
- provide strategic input into national and state programs;
- provide information to regional communities and local government on national and state government initiatives;
- help coordinate regional planning and regional development initiatives; and
- work closely with local governments, community organisations and other regional organisations.
In particular, RDA committees will play a strong role to:
- promote economic and employment growth in regional NSW;
- assist regional communities to capitalise on their regional strengths to broaden and reposition the industry base of regions and develop new products and markets;
- develop regional or local solutions for regional or local business development problems; and
- identify opportunities to fill gaps left by the market system.
On 23 February 2009, the Australian Government Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Northern Australia, Gary Gray, and the New South Wales Minister for Regional Development, Phillip Costa, signed a Memorandum of Understanding, on behalf of the Australian and New South Wales Governments, setting out the arrangements for the creation of a new joint Commonwealth-State regional development network to implement a more strategic and responsive approach to regional development and help guide economic growth across regional NSW.
Local government representation on the committees will be an important element in ensuring that the three levels of government work in partnership to benefit local communities and find local solutions.
The new Regional Development Australia (RDA) network in NSW is replacing the Australian Government’s 14 Area Consultative Committees and the NSW Government’s 13 Regional Development Boards to create a more comprehensive and coordinated network of regional development organisations. The RDA network will come into effect by 1 July 2009.
RDA committees will be non-profit community-based incorporated associations which provide a strategic framework for economic growth in each region. The committees will develop local leadership, ensure input is provided to the Australian and NSW Governments on regional development issues, and promote regions to secure sustainable long-term jobs, investment and regional prosperity.
RDA Chairs and members will be expected to contribute their time and energy and have a personal commitment to working in partnership with government for the benefit of their local and regional communities. Each RDA will receive annual operational funding from the Australian and NSW Governments. Each RDA committee will use this funding for approved committee projects and to employ staff to undertake administrative operations and assist the RDA committee to implement its charter.
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