Holistic Management Field Day

Gary & Anne Johnson’s “Tulangi” Kenyu Rd, Boorowa.
“Tulangi is approx 9km on the left along the Kenyu Rd coming from Boorowa, Kenyu rd is on the right off the Boorowa Cowra Rd 100 m after the Jubilee Bridge travelling from Boorowa. Please proceed to the shed immediately behind the house.
Facilitated by Graeme Hand Holistic Management Educator.
This day will be an informal get together for Holistic Management Practitioners and anyone interested in Holistic Management.
9:00 for 9:30am – 4:00 pm 17th March 2009
Please remember to bring a chair, lunch, and smoko. Tea and coffee will be provided.
The day will in part be driven by the attendees and cover topics people wish to discuss. Have a think about issues or problems you are facing that you would like the group to discuss on the day.
There will also be a field walk where Graeme will cover some of the simple and easy to use methods of managing grazing that he has developed.
Before the end of the day we will organise the date topic and venue for the next support group meeting.
Feel free to attend if you have not completed HM, RCS or Principle Focus training, and to invite others that may be interested.
David Cusack
Catchment Officer Lachlan CMA
P: 6385 1018
M: 0429 851 061