Have your say - the development of a government framework to support Landcare

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the National Landcare Facilitator Project are coordinating a process to develop a framework to support Landcare for the next 25 years.
As described on the National Landcare Facilitator Project website:
The Australian Government recently initiated a discussion on the prospect of developing a new Australian Framework for Landcare. This framework will be guided and owned by community landcare. Community landcare includes all related groups, with similar objectives and a community based approach, that contribute to sustainable resource management across Australia's diverse landscapes. These include Landcare, Coastcare, Bushcare, Indigenous, Friends of, farming system and other groups and individuals.
Community Landcare members have a number of opportunities to have input to this process.
- Contact the Murrumbidgee Landcare office to have your view included in a submission from the state body representing community Landcare - Landcare NSW Inc.
- Contribute to the Landcare Speaks Blog established by the National Landcare Facilitator Project
» http://landcarespeaks.wordpress.com/about/ - Talk to your state representative on the National Landcare Network
- Contact the government directly