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- ACT Landcare
- Landcare groups in the ACT are supported by 3 Catchment Coordinators and Landcare Coordinators, who work closely with local communities and across the border into NSW. They play a vital role in helping new groups to form and supporting existing groups in their development and effective operation. Some examples of issues being addressed by Landcare in the ACT are soil degradation, animal pests, weeds, vegetation loss, stream bank erosion, water quality, and urban land degradation.
- A Question of Balance
- A radio show broadcast on Sydney station 2SER 107.3fm and on the CBAA Community Radio Network. Presented by Ruby Vincent, it is "a grassroots environmental show that is aimed at the general community to show that we can do things to improve our environment and STILL maintain an enjoyable standard of living."
- Australia 21
- A non-profit company whose core business is research and development on issues of strategic importance to Australia in the 21st Century.
- Australian Landcare Council
- The Australian Landcare Council is a ministerial advisory body on landcare and natural resource management. It operates under the Commonwealth Natural Resources Management (Financial Assistance) Act 1992.
- Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES)
- The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts has commissioned the Australian Research Institute in Education for Sustainability (ARIES) at Macquarie University to conduct research into how to move beyond simply raising awareness to achieve the attitudinal and behavioural changes necessary to live sustainably.
- Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative
- Australian Government program encouraging schools to take a whole-system and whole-school approach to sustainability.
- Clarence Landcare Inc.
- Clarence Landcare Inc. (CLI) is a community based, non-government, not for profit NRM
(Natural ResourcManagement) organisation consisting of all the Landcare & Dunecare groups
in the Mid-Lower Clarence Catchment.
- Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s role is to develop and implement policies and programs that ensure Australia's agricultural, fisheries, food and forestry industries remain competitive, profitable and sustainable.
- Drought Law Forum
- People affected by drought have online access to the Drought Law Forum. The Forum is an innovative service offering free support and information from lawyers located around Australia who are volunteering their time.
- Ecos Magazine
- ECOS is regarded as one of Australia´s most authoritative magazines on sustainability, published since 1974 by Australia’s national scientific research agency, CSIRO.
- EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
- The E H Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation is a collaborative alliance between Charles Sturt University and the NSW Department of Primary Industries.
- Feral Arts
- Community arts organisation working with Landcare NSW to create landcare PlaceStories.
- Friends of Aranda Bushland
- The Aranda Bushland is a 100 ha reserve of eucalypt forest and woodland comprising the southern slopes of Aranda Hill (the north side being the suburb Aranda). It adjoins Black Mountain Reserve (adjacent to the central business district of Canberra), and forms part of Canberra Nature Park, an network of urban open space reserves throughout the national capital. The Friends of Aranda Bushland (FOAB) is a Park Care group interested in preserving and promoting the natural environment of Canberra Nature Park in Aranda bushland and surrounding bushland areas.
- Future Farm Industries CRC
- FFI CRC is a unique co-investment and integration of activities between three major agricultural R&D investors, Australia’s largest agribusiness company, and the combined research might of six state agencies, four CSIRO Divisions and four universities. Future Farm Industries CRC (FFI CRC) is playing a crucial role in developing new farming systems and technologies that will improve the resilience of Australian broadacre agriculture to climate change, climate variability and drought while improving productivity and sustainability.
- Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee
- The Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) was formed by a group of people interested in land management and land conservation issues in the local area. GLENRAC works in unison with landholders, local government agencies such as Department of Environmentand Climate Change, NSW Department of Primary Industries, and the Northern Rivers and Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment Management Authorities. Its mission is to provide coordination and the effective management of the productive, environmental and social resource base of the Glen Innes District.
- Hunter Region Landcare Network
- The Hunter Region Landcare Network fosters, supports and facilitates regional Natural Resources Management (NRM) activities and this includes developing partnerships with Government, private landowners, community groups and Aboriginal land councils as well as corporate bodies.
- Irrigation Australia
- This site contains information about the irrigation industry and irrigation practices in Australia for urban and rural irrigators, local government, statutory bodies and tertiary institutions, water utilities and irrigation companies, irrigation consultants and designers, irrigation contractors and installers, manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of irrigation equipment and services.
Lachlan Catchment Management Authority- The Lachlan Catchment is located in central western New South Wales, flanked by the Macquarie and Bogan catchments to the north and Darling to the west, Murrumbidgee to the south and the Sydney/Shoalhaven Basin to the east.
- Lake Macquarie Landcare
- Over 250 Landcare groups work on a wide range of projects in the Lake Macquarie City Council area. Individuals and groups may work in urban or rural areas, on the coast, by the lake, in the bush, along riparian zones, and even in the Landcare Resource Office.
- Landcare NSW
- Landcare NSW Inc was formed in late 2007 by representatives of the community-based landcare movement from throughout NSW. The association provides a representative structure to advocate on behalf of community-based landcare.
- Landcare Online
- Landcare Australia Ltd.
- Little River Landcare Group Inc.
- The Little River Landcare Group Inc. is situated in the Little River catchment of the Macquarie River valley in Central Western NSW. The Little River drains 258,000ha from over 300 farms and centres on the small townships of Yeoval and Cumnock.
- Liverpool Plains Land Management Committee
- Liverpool Plains Land Management Inc. Is a community driven, non-profit organisation dedicated to created healthier farming environments through community participation.
- Manning Coastcare Group
- MCCG is a community based organisation which undertakes environmental restoration work in the Greater Taree City Council area on the mid-north coast of NSW Australia.
- Manning Catchment Landcare Group
- Manning Landcare is a non-profit incorporated organization working for the local community in the Manning Valley.
- Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority
- The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (MCMA) delivers funding from the NSW and Australian Governments to help land managers improve and restore the natural resources of the catchment.
- Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
- Peak landcare body in the Murrumbidgee catchment representing 15 Landcare Networks - 12 in NSW and 3 in ACT.
- National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability
- The aim of Living Sustainably: the Australian Government's National Action Plan for Education for Sustainability, launched in April 2009, is to equip all Australians with the knowledge and skills required to live sustainably. The plan has been prepared in conjunction with the National Council on Education for Sustainability by the Australian Government Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts.
- National Landcare Directory
- Site for Landcare Australia promoting landcare and corporate partnership/funding opportunities.
- National Landcare Facilitator Project
- The National Landcare Facilitator Project (NLFP) is managed by Marian Partners Australia for the Australian Government Department of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry 'National Landcare Program'. It has a particular emphasis on promoting the integration of production management with environmental values towards sustainable farming systems.
- Natural Resource Managment - Australian Government
- This web site is hosted by the Australian Government. It provides information about the integrated delivery of two Australia-wide natural resource management (NRM) initiatives: the National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality (NAP) and the Natural Heritage Trust (the Trust).
- NetSquared
- An initiative of | remixing the web for social change.
- NSW Landcare Committee
- A government appointed advisory body which includes members from landcare, government and regional NRM organisations.
- PlaceStories
Local Stories - Global Connections
PlaceStories is a software system for managing digital media, creating digital stories and publishing online. It is being customised to support the communication needs of community organisations, government agencies and others who work with communities, particularly rural and regional communities. - Queensland Water and Land Carers
- The peak body for natural resource management (NRM) volunteers in Queensland. QWaLC's roles include representation, advocacy, promotion, networking and insurance administration.
- Richmond Landcare Inc
- Richmond Landcare Inc (RLI) Landcare Network is the umbrella network for Landcare groups in the Richmond catchment and is managed by volunteers. RLI represents Dunecare, Rivercare, Landcare, Coastcare and farming groups on the Far North Coast of NSW.
- Rural Society
- Accessible to a broad readership, Rural Society is an international, peer reviewed academic journal focusing on rural public policy, health care, social issues, educational, welfare, gender, diversity, counseling, management, culture, life style, sustainability, arts, commercial, local, regional and federal government research in rural communities.
- Southern New England Landcare
- Southern New England Landcare is a not-for-profit community network based in the Armidale region of northern New South Wales, Australia.
- Threatened Species Network
- WWorking with the community to stop plants and animals from disappearing is what the Threatened Species Network (TSN) is all about. TSN is a partnership between WWF-Australia and the Australian Government.
- Triple Helix Consulting
- Triple Helix Consulting works with progressive organisations in the public and private sectors to develop and implement more sustainable policies and practices. The 'triple helix' is Andrew Campbell's metaphor for sustainability - the intertwined and interdependent strands of landscapes, lifestyles and livelihoods.
- The VCN is an information sharing network of staff from government and non-government organisations throughout Australia who coordinate volunteer programs.
- WetlandCare Australia
- WetlandCare Australia (WCA) is a national not-for-profit, non-government science-based organisation, with a mission to support the community in the protection and repair of Australia's wetlands.
- - National Education and Training Program for Wetland Managers
- is a national wetland education and management training program designed to provide capacity building and skills development for regional and community investments in wetland-related assessment, planning and actions. Three-year start-up funding has been provided by the National Competitive Component of the Natural Heritage Trust (NHT).
- WyCare
- Wyong Shire Landcare Network represents 32 Bushcare, Coastcare, Dunecare, Landcare and Rivercare "on ground" groups in the Wyong Shire.