Minister Ludwig announces appointments to Australian Landcare Council

Media Release
7 October 2010
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Senator Joe Ludwig, today announced the appointment of 16 new members to the Australian Landcare Council.
The council is the Australian Government’s key advisory body on Landcare.
“The Gillard Government is committed to supporting the Landcare community, which has been protecting and restoring Australia’s environment and improving the landscape for farmers for the past 20 years,” Minister Ludwig said.
“The appointment of 16 outstanding individuals with demonstrated commitment to their local environment and communities will strengthen Landcare.”
Minister Ludwig reaffirmed the Australian Government’s commitment to Landcare with the Australian Landcare Council Chair, Mr Kim Chance, who he met in Perth this week to discuss the challenges ahead.
“The council will work with the Landcare community, including farmers and Indigenous land managers, to help prepare Australia for the challenges that climate change presents to our productivity and natural resource management,” Minister Ludwig said.
“In particular I want the council to focus on outcomes, concentrating on what the government considers the central pillars of Landcare for the next 20 years. These pillars are food security, responding to climate change, supporting volunteers and maintaining the environment.” “Together the council appointees will reinvigorate Landcare, provide insight into future opportunities and ensure the Landcare movement and Australian community can meet the challenges ahead.”
Mr Chance said the new appointments would strengthen the partnership between government and the Landcare movement.
“The Australian Landcare Council is crucial to both the Landcare movement and the government realising the natural resource management ambitions that it shares with the community, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to meet our shared goals,” Mr Chance said.
The council has met on two occasions where it has discussed formulating its work plan and its role in supporting the implementation of the Australian Framework for Landcare, a community framework to tackle the challenges Landcare and natural resource management face over the next 20 years. The framework was released during Landcare Week in Sydney on 8 September 2010.
Australian Landcare Council Members
Mr Kim Chance (Chair) is currently the Proprietor, Gulf Australia Trading. He is a past member of the Western Australian Legislative Council and former state minister in several portfolios including Agriculture and Food; Fisheries; Mid-West and the Wheatbelt, and the Great Southern.
Ms Kate Andrews from the Northern Territory is currently the Chair of the Northern Territory NRM Board. Ms Andrews has worked in a wide variety of capacities in natural resource management for nearly two decades. She was previously Knowledge and Adoption Manager for Land & Water Australia and has assisted communities within the Lake Eyre Basin to design a multi-state natural resource management organisation.
Professor Snow Barlow from Parkville is the Associate Dean of the School of Land and Environment at Melbourne University. His research focuses on the impacts of climate change and adaptation of agricultural industries. Professor Barlow also operates a commercial vineyard and farm forestry enterprise at Warrenbayne in the Strathbogie Ranges of northeastern Victoria.
Mrs Pamela Brook from Bangalow runs a macadamia farm at St Helena near Byron Bay and is co-founder of an award-winning, value-adding business based on the farm’s produce. Mrs Brook is also a former director of the Northern Rivers Regional Development Board and is current chairman of Northern Rivers Food.
Ms Alexandra Gartmann from Birchip is the Chief Executive Officer of the Birchip Cropping Group. Ms Gartmann was awarded the 2005 Equity Trustees Not for Profit CEO of the Year for Significant Innovation award. She is also a member of the Victorian Women in Primary Industries Advisory Panel and sits on a number of state and regional committees.
Dr Judy Henderson AO from Repton is the current Chair of the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority in NSW. Dr Henderson is also a former board member of the NSW Environment Protection Authority and former chair of the Amsterdam-based Global Reporting Initiative, which is setting global standards for sustainability reporting.
Dr Rosemary Hill from Queensland is a Senior Research Scientist for CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems. Dr Hill’s role involves biodiversity and Indigenous country-based planning and research within the wet tropics and Kimberley regions. Dr Hill currently leads several research projects for CSIRO.
Mr Peter Kenny from Calliope is a member of the Cape York Heritage Committee, which represents agriculture on the Queensland Premier’s advisory council on climate change. Mr Kenny is also a member of the National Biosecurity Advisory Council. He has also held a number of senior positions within AgForce and is a former board member of the National Farmers’ Federation.
Mr Jock Laurie from Walcha is a fourth-generation grazier and a former president of the NSW Farmers’ Association.
Ms Coral Love is from Mudgegonga. In her capacity as the former National Landcare Facilitator, Ms Love travelled regularly to all states and territories to liaise with facilitators, coordinators and the Landcare community. Ms Love was the Chair of the Australian Framework for Landcare Reference Group that released the Australian Framework for Landcare on 8 September 2010.
Ms Banduk Marika from the Northern Territory is a renowned artist and has acted on the boards of the National Gallery of Australia and the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory. Ms Marika’s work with community groups in Yirrkala, Arnhem Land has resulted in a strong environmental ethic in her community and the development of a form of Landcare which maintains traditional land management whilst embracing contemporary environmental techniques.
Mr John McQuilten from Betley served as the member for Ballarat on the Victorian Legislative Council from 1999 until 2006. During his term there Mr McQuilten served on the Rural and Regional Development Committee, the Premier’s Bill Committee and Chair of the Arts Committee. Mr McQuilten is a member of the University of Ballarat Council and the Victorian Regional Channel Authority, and a former member of the Murray River National Parks Review Committee.
Mr Dennis Mutton from South Australia is the former Chair of the South Australian Natural Resource Management Council and Chief Executive Officer for the South Australian Department of Primary Industries & Resources, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Woods and Forests Department. Mr Mutton also held positions as Deputy President and Commissioner of the Murray Darling Basin Commission. Mr Mutton is currently an independent consultant in natural resource management, leadership development and strategic management of research and development.
Ms Vicki-Jo Russell AM from Lockleys is a member of the South Australian Natural Resource Management Council. Ms Russell has a strong history in community engagement and extensive experience in conservation and biodiversity management. She is involved in national and state biodiversity planning and program development. She received an AM (Member of the Order of Australia) in 2003 for her contribution to community-based conservation in South Australia.
Ms Sharon Starick from Cambrai operates a commercial farm business, is a member of the National Rural Advisory Council and is the presiding member of the South Australian Natural Resources Management Council.
Mr Andrew Stewart from Deans Marsh is a coordinator of the Otway Agroforestry Network, an organisation he co-founded in 1993. He also sits on the Australian Master TreeGrower Program’s steering committee and manages the grazing property of Yan Yan Gurt West in southern Victoria.
Mr James Walch from Campbell Town has campaigned for irrigation development projects in Tasmania. He is chair of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers (TFGA) Climate Change Taskforce and a former president of the TFGA.