Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No.2 March 2011

- Habitat and Connectivity Workshop - Humula
- Next Gen Farmers grants
- Stubble management workshop - Harden
- Regional Landcare Awards
- 5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
- Building soil carbon workshop
- Gorgeous Gullies Field Day -Yass
- A new era - Regional Landcare Facilitators in the M'bidgee
- Noisy Miner Summit - Albury
- National Tree Day
- Schools Tree Day
- Native Seed Collection Workshop - Boorowa
- Native Seed Collection Workshop - Parkes
Habitat and Connectivity Workshop - Humula
Planning for a healthy and productive landscape
Wednesday 9th March 2011
Meet at: Humula Club 6:00pm
The workshop will cover;
- How improving habitat and connectivity will benefit both biodiversity and farm production outcomes
- Research findings on balancing land-uses across woodland landscapes to maintain profitable and productive enterprises and retain most native plants and animals
- Guidelines for rebuilding habitat and connectivity, based on recent CSIRO research
- A process for applying this in your local area – using maps and your local knowledge to develop a framework for on-farm, and across- farm works
- Identifying easy pickings – finding the simplest solutions to improve habitat in all parts of your farm within your current management plan.
Next Gen Farmers grants
Next Gen Farmers grants offer support to stage events that improve the leadership and representative capacity of young people entering or involved in primary industries, particularly in the context of the challenges and opportunities in these industries as a result of a changing climate.
Grants of up to $50,000 (GST exclusive) are available.
The department is now seeking grant applications f
Stubble management workshop - Harden
CANFA - Conservation and No-till Farming Association - has organised for Bill Crabtree, a Western Australian farmer who has specislised in stubble retention, to tour the region.
Regional Landcare Awards
The 2011 Murrumbidgee Regional Landcare Awards, are held every two years, to recognise the achievements of the dedicated people who have committed their time to care for our environment and contribute to sustainable production.
5th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture
Incorporating 3rd Farming Systems Design Conference.
Australia, host for the 5th WCCA and 3rd FSD, welcomes scientists and practitioners to Brisbane to discuss current and future developments of sustainable agriculture next year.
The co-location of WCCA and FSD provides a great opportunity to explore the application of conservation agriculture practices and prin
Building soil carbon workshop
If you are a land manager or primary producer with an interest in building soil carbon as a way of managing the effects of climate change, you should come along to workshops being run by the Organic Federation of Australia and supported by the ACT Regional Landcare Facilitator Initiative and the ACT Natural Resource Management Council. Besides building soil carbon, the workshop also deals with "best practice" methods to mitigate the effects of climate change.
Venue: The Shakespeare Centre for Scouting, Camp Cottermouth, 1435 Cotter Road, Stromlo ACT
Gorgeous Gullies Field Day -Yass
Gorgeous Gullies Field Day will be held on 27 Mar 2011, 8:30 - 17:00 at Goldenholm, 1236 Yass River Road and Nanima Gold, 111 Johnson Drive, Yass
- Is gully erosion a concern for you?
- Is too much of your soil surging into the river system?
- Is too much of your soil drying out too quickly and becoming lifeless?
You are invited to a Field Day to assess
A new era - Regional Landcare Facilitators in the M'bidgee

Murrumbidgee Landcare (MLi) has appointed two new part-time Landcare Facilitators for the Murrumbidgee catchment. This has been made possible through the Australian Government's Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) Initiative, part of Caring for our Country.

About Regional Landcare Facilitators
Steering Committee
Our new RLFs
Roles and activities of RLFs
About Regional Landcare Facilitators
The Regional Landcare Facilitator Network across NSW promotes sustainable farm and land management practices, and contributes to and supports the uptake of sustainable practices and landscape scale conservation in rural and regional landscapes in a changing climate.
Noisy Miner Summit - Albury
There will be a summit to discuss the role of Noisy Miners in suppressing woodland birds and the implications for woodland health and restoration activities held in Albury on March 24 2011.
Please see the attached flier or contact Shanna Rogers for more information.
(02) 6051 2241
National Tree Day
Now entering its 16th year, Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is firmly cemented as one of the nation’s largest community environmental events.
Schools Tree Day
Now entering its 16th year, Planet Ark’s National Tree Day is firmly cemented as one of the nation’s largest community environmental events. National Tree Day provides an avenue for communities and groups to showcase the work that they do, help foster a community understanding of the needs of the local environment and to engage them in the care and protection of these surroundings. This year National Tree Day will be held on Sunday July 31st and Schools Tree Day on Friday July 29th – however you may register a site or activity on any day that suits you.
Native Seed Collection Workshop - Boorowa
Communities in Landscapes and Greening Australia's Florabank are holding a FREE community seed collection workshop at Boorowa on Wednesday April 6th from 9am to 3pm for people interested in collecting native seed in Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands.
The day will consist of a morning session indoors and
Native Seed Collection Workshop - Parkes
Communities in Landscapes and Greening Australia's Florabank are holding a FREE community seed collection workshop at Parkes on Tuesday March 22nd from 9am to 3pm for people interested in collecting native seed in Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands.
The day will consist of a morning session indoors and a