Long Conversations - Climate Knowledge Exchange

Isn’t it time we had a calm conversation about the climate?
The Long Conversations: Climate Knowledge Exchange is a series of dialogue events in which leading climate researchers will be brought to your community to discuss our shared climate future.
How do we get the futures we want for rural and regional Australia?
How do we deal with climate variation and change?
How do we build sustainable communities, regions and societies?
Each Knowledge Exchange will build a space in which you can discuss leading climate science with climate researchers, and in which they can hear and respond to your questions, ideas, needs, fears and desires.
Knowledge Exchange Conversations will be held in Murrumbidgee at:
Leeton - Monday May 16th
Griffith - Tuesday May 17th
Wagga Wagga - Wednesday May 18th
(Venues listed here)
For more information see the attached poster or visit: http://www.longconversations.net/
If you'd like to take part contact Luke Menzies on:
luke.menzies@anu.edu.au or (02) 6125 7167