Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 5 July 2011

- Opportunity to promote your Group's activities!
- The Landcare Landscape - 2011 Landcare Volunteering Survey
- NSW Landcare Awards - People's Choice Award
- Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
- Fast tracking the next generation of regional change professionals
- 2011 Hidden Treasures Honour Roll - Nominations now open
- Small Grants Available for Community Groups
- Expressions of interest invited for Murrumbidgee CMA Incentives Program
- Env Restoration and Rehabilitation Program - Grants now open
- Annual Graham Centre Beef Field Day
- Annual Graham Centre Sheep Field Day
- Landscape Function Analysis - Wagga Wagga
- Mixed farming forum - Temora
- Sheep Connect industry update - Yass
- Inaugural Merino 2020 Conference - Wagga
- Don't be a drifter: Herbicide use workshop
- NSW Landcare Forum
Opportunity to promote your Group's activities!
Landcare Week is September 5-11, and this is a great opportunity to promote the activities of your group, and attract new volunteers or members!
Landcare Australia Ltd (LAL) are offering to support our local groups by actively promoting Landcare group activities during Landcare Week.
The Landcare Landscape - 2011 Landcare Volunteering Survey
Landcare Australia Limited (LAL) is seeking to gain an understanding of the operating environment of the Landcare movement and its needs by surveying people who are actively involved in their local Landcare group.
NSW Landcare Awards - People's Choice Award
You can have your say in the 2011 NSW Landcare Awards by voting for the People's Choice Award.
Vote by visiting the website (, and selecting the nomination you believe represents the most outstanding contribution to Landcare this year.
Coles Junior Landcare School Garden Grant 2011
» Application Form » Guidelines and Criteria Closing date: Friday 5th August
Since 2008 Coles has been providing School Garden Grants of up to $1,000 to schools and youth groups to help create gardens in their grounds or community, such as bush tucker gardens, water wise gardens or veggie gardens.
Fast tracking the next generation of regional change professionals
The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, under Australia's Farming Future, is offering a bursary for up to 10 young extension professionals from regional Australia to attend the 2011 APEN National Forum, and participate in the 2012 APEN Mentoring Program.
2011 Hidden Treasures Honour Roll - Nominations now open
The Hidden Treasures Honour Roll acknowledges the important volunteer roles women play within NSW rural communities. It provides a platform to pay tribute to rural women volunteers who donate their time and energy to help others.
The 2011 Honour Roll will be launched at the 2011 Women's Gathering, to be held at Gloucester from 14 - 16 October 2011.
Small Grants Available for Community Groups
The second round of Communities in Landscapes Community Small Grants is open for applications!
Grants of up to $3000 (inc. GST) are available for community groups to run small projects in Box Gum Grassy Woodland areas.
For more information on how to apply visit:
Expressions of interest invited for Murrumbidgee CMA Incentives Program
The Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (CMA) is inviting Expressions of Interest from landholders for their Climate Change Corridors and Conservation Farming programs. Expressions of Interest close on Wednesday August 31, 2011.
Env Restoration and Rehabilitation Program - Grants now open
The NSW Environmental Trust invites applications to its Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation Program.
Grants of $5,000 to $100,000 are available to community organisations and non-profit associations (total program $2 million).
Annual Graham Centre Beef Field Day
The Annual Graham Centre Beef Field Day will be held on Thursday 4 August, at Joyes Hall, Charles Sturt University Wagga.
The theme of this year's field day will be reproduction.The program includes several short presentations in the morning about topics producers regularly deal with, followed by two workshops each of 1 hour and 15 minutes duration in the afternoon.
Annual Graham Centre Sheep Field Day
The Annual Graham Centre Sheep Field Day will be held on Friday 5 August at Joyes Hall, Charles Sturt University Wagga.
The theme of this year's field day will be reproduction. The program includes several short presentations in the morning about topics producers regularly deal with, followed by two workshops each of 1 hour and 15 minutes duration in the afternoon.
Landscape Function Analysis - Wagga Wagga
Landscape Function Analysis (LFA) is a procedure for the objective assessment of ‘soil health’ and reflects the capacity of the soil to act as a habitat for plants.
Communities in Landscapes and the University of Sydney will be conducting a training workshop in LFA at:
Indyamara Room Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga - Tuesday 9th August 2011
Mixed farming forum - Temora
Farmlink Research presents the inaugural 2011 Mixed Farming Forum, to be held at Temora on Friday August 12, 2011.
Sheep Connect industry update - Yass
This seminar, presented as part of the Sheep Connect NSW Network, will provide sheep producers with the opportunity to interact with various industry authorities and discuss some of the significant issues facing the industry.
The seminar will be held at the Yass Soldiers Club on Wednesday August 17, from 9 am to 3 pm.
Inaugural Merino 2020 Conference - Wagga
Merino 2020 is a national, whole of industry event that will provide attendees with the most up-to-date information on improving productivity, sustainability and marketing outcomes with the goal of increasing profitability on-farm.
Don't be a drifter: Herbicide use workshop
Are you a landholder in the ACT, or in the Googong or upper Murrumbidgee catchments, interested in learning more about herbicide application? Do you want to upgrade your chemical application skills, ensure your machinery is working correctly and your records are up to date, and gain your accreditation?
NSW Landcare Forum
Head to Parkes for the 2011 NSW Landcare and Catchment Management Forum and the NSW Landcare Awards. Parkes and Districts Landcare will host the 2011 NSW Landcare & Catchment Management Forum in Parkes from the 5-7 September 2011.