Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 7 October 2011

- 14th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum
- You, Me, Them and the Landscape: Collaborating for the Wellbeing for All
- Is Carbon a dirty word?
- Be Natural Landcare grants
- Raymond Borland Bequest Grant Program
- Climate Clever Energy Savers Program for schools
- 2012 Science and Innovation Awards
- Use of hard-seeded annual pasture legumes - Wagga
- Benefits for Production: Fauna Friendly Farms - Mundarlo Rd
- Small wind and community-scale renewable energy training - Yass
- Productive sustainable pastures and livestock - Gundagai
- Whole of Paddock Rehabilitation field walk - Binalong
- Native Pasture Alternative Fertiliser Trial field day - Bookham
- MLi at the Murrumbateman Field Days
- Indigenous values workshops - Nimmitabel
- African Lovegrass field day - Bredbo
- Community Planting at Murrumbateman
- 7th National Native Grasslands Conference - Holbrook
- 2011 APEN National Forum - Armidale
14th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum
With the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group
Looking back, moving forward
26th - 27th October 2011 Ladysmith Hall
You, Me, Them and the Landscape: Collaborating for the Wellbeing for All
14th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum
Dinner 26th October 2011
Read more
Is Carbon a dirty word?
14th Murrumbidgee Landcare Annual Forum
Keynote address 26th October
Terry McCosker
Be Natural Landcare grants
Landcare Australia and Be Natural have launched a grant program to provide grants of up to $5,000 to 25 Landcare groups.
The program is designed to enable groups to continue their work in tackling local environmental issues by providing funding to help with the continuation of ongoing projects.
Raymond Borland Bequest Grant Program
Individual grants of up to $30,000 are available to support community groups to undertake projects that will repair degraded non-urban land and inland waterways in NSW.
A total of $300,000 in funding is available.
Climate Clever Energy Savers Program for schools
The Climate Clever Energy Savers program is designed for primary and secondary schools, to support professional learning and student-directed energy saving and greenhouse gas reduction projects in NSW government schools.
2012 Science and Innovation Awards
Grant applications are now open for the 2012 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
If you are aged 18-35, this is your chance to apply for up to $22,000 to fund your project on an innovative or emerging scientific issue to benefit Australia's primary industries.
Applications close 5 pm, Friday 18 November 2011.
Use of hard-seeded annual pasture legumes - Wagga
A technical update for farmers and advisors is being held on the topic of "Hard-seeded annual pasture legumes, and how to use them in pasture-crop rotations".
Benefits for Production: Fauna Friendly Farms - Mundarlo Rd
Devil's Elbow, Mundarlo Road
How do I encourage beneficial native species onto my property?
Small wind and community-scale renewable energy training - Yass
A free training workshop on small wind and community-scale renewable energy is being held on Sunday 9th October, at the Yass Soldiers Club.
The workshop is open to landholders, residents, community groups, councils, local business and industry.
Productive sustainable pastures and livestock - Gundagai
The Grasslands Society of NSW are holding a Pasture Update at Gundagai on Wednesday 12 October.
The event will be held at the Gundagai District Services Club (use back entrance), from 9.00 am.
Whole of Paddock Rehabilitation field walk - Binalong
Greening Australia are holding a Whole of Paddock Rehabilitation (WOPR) field walk at Weilora, Binalong on Wednesday 12 October, starting at 10 am.
Come along to see how native trees and shrubs can be integrated into grazing paddocks to improve production and conservation.
Lunch and morning tea will be provided, but bookings are essential!
Native Pasture Alternative Fertiliser Trial field day - Bookham
The Native Pasture Alternative Fertiliser Trial is a project being run by Binalong Landcare and NSW DPI.
The project aims to investigate a range of alternative fertiliser products for use on native perennial grass based pastures in the Yass district to increase soil fertility and pasture productivity.
MLi at the Murrumbateman Field Days
Murrumbidgee Landcare and the Yass Area Network of Landcare Groups will be at the Murrumbateman Field Days this year! Come down and say g'day, and pick up some information and ideas about Landcare in the region.
The event will be held on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 October, just off the Barton Highway at Murrumbateman.
Indigenous values workshops - Nimmitabel
Rod Mason, a respected Ngarigo elder, aims to reconnect people to the natural and cultural resources in our region, and create a better understanding of our shared cultural, heritage and biodiversity values, both indigenous and non-indigenous.
His aim is to have indigenous natural resource management techniques adopted in farm and reserve management.
African Lovegrass field day - Bredbo
African Lovegrass - Don't love this grass! Come and learn how to manage this weed, with talks by a local landholder, Bush Heritage Australia, NSW DPI and Cooma-Monaro Shire Council.
The workshop is free, with a BBQ lunch provided! Meet at the 'Scottsdale' shearing shed, 4 km north of Bredbo on the Monaro Highway.
Community Planting at Murrumbateman
Help Greening Australia, Murrumbateman Landcare Group, Yass Valley Council and the RTA improve local habitat and diversity.
Due to the location, participant numbers are restricted to 45, and transported by bus provided by GA.
7th National Native Grasslands Conference - Holbrook
Stipa, the Native Grasslands Association, present the Seventh National Native Grasslands Conference: Managing native grasslands for soil and animal health.
The conference will be held at the Holbrook Town Hall on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 November 2011. The conference will cover a range of topics, including soil health, pasture cropping, livestock systems, native pasture and healthy people
2011 APEN National Forum - Armidale
The 2011 APEN (Australasian Pacific Extension Network) National Forum is being held in Armidale, from Monday 28 to Wednesday 30 November.