Carbon Farming Initiative - Update

Legislation for the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) was passed in late August, meaning the scheme will soon officially commence. From December 2011, you will be able to register to participate and open an account in the National Registry of Emissions Units. Where methodologies are available, you will also be able to begin applying for approval of proposed projects.
Methodologies which have been developed and are currently being assessed (by the Domestic Offestes Integrity Committee) include:
- Manure management, and
- Reforestation.
A number of additional methodologies are under development, including:
- Reduced fertiliser use,
- Livestock emissions,
- Increasing soil carbon,
- Restoring rangelands, and
- Avoided deforestation.
Further information on the CFI is available from the following sources:
- Your Regional Landcare Facilitators:
- The Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (includes details on the CFI legislation and methodologies):
- The Australian Government 'Clean Energy Future' website (includes a number of useful Fact Sheets on the CFI):
- The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry website:
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