Art4Agriculture 2012

In 2012, the Australian 'Year of the Farmer' is joining up with Art4Agriculture to deliver one of the country's most exciting education programs to primary and secondary schools across the country. Schools are being invited to register their interest now, to explore the role of farming in Australia and win exciting prizes!
Teachers and students will be provided with interactive learning materials demonstrating the key role farmers play in our lives. Using this knowledge, students will then be encouraged to enter the 'Cream of the Crop' competition, where students create a short story, speech, poster, artwork or digital media project under the theme "What does it take to feed and clothe my family for a day?"Cash prizes will be awarded to students in each state.
In addition, a minimum of 10 schools in each state who enter the Cream of the Crop competition will be invited to enter the 'Archibull Prize'. The Archibull Prize provides each school with a life size fibreglass cow on which to create an artwork to explore the theme "What does it take to feed and clothe my local community for a day?"
Each state's winning school team in the Archibull Prize will travel to the Australian Year of the Farmer Rural Innovation and Technology Expo, where they will present their work, and the final winner will be announced.
To register your school's interest, visit the website at