Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 8 November 2011

- 2012 Science and Innovation Awards
- Art4Agriculture 2012
- Carbon Farming: What's in it for the Monaro? - Michelago
- Rangeland Condition
- The Mulloon Institute Land Restoration Day - Bungendore
- 7th National Native Grasslands Conference - Holbrook
- Sustainable Horse Management on Small Properties seminar - Queanbeyan
- 'Equiculture' seminar - Kambah
- African Lovegrass workshop - Kambah
- Undergraduate Survey of Landcare
- ABARES Community Weed Management Survey
- Carbon Farming Initiative - Update
2012 Science and Innovation Awards
Grant applications are now open for the 2012 Science and Innovation Awards for Young People in Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.
If you are aged 18-35, this is your chance to apply for up to $22,000 to fund your project on an innovative or emerging scientific issue to benefit Australia's primary industries. Applications close 5 pm, Friday 18 November 2011.
Art4Agriculture 2012
In 2012, the Australian 'Year of the Farmer' is joining up with Art4Agriculture to deliver one of the country's most exciting education programs to primary and secondary schools across the country.
Schools are being invited to register their interest now, to explore the role of farming in Australia and win exciting prizes!
Carbon Farming: What's in it for the Monaro? - Michelago
Come to the historic Micalago Station, Michelago, for an informative free workshop for local farmers on carbon farming.
There will be a range of speakers, talking on carbon and its integral link to farming, including:
- Dr Janette Lindesay (ANU Climate Change Institute) - The science behind climate change
- Doug Alcock (NSW DPI) - Climate change impacts and adaptations on the Monaro
- Susan Orgill (NSW DPI) - Soil carbon
- Sarah Bellamy (Dept of Climate Change & Energy Efficiency) - Opportunities for farmers under the Carbon Farming Initiative
- Peter Holding (Farmer, and member of the Climate Champions program) - A farmer's perspective on climate change and carbon farming
Rangeland Condition
What does this mean to you? How is this relevant to you? What is the current status of the Riverina Rangeland?
Hay Landcare group is hosting a forum that will involve a mix of presentations and participant input.This will include:
- Outcomes and lessons learnt from the Riverina Grazed Native Vegetation Project
- Panel session on current Riverina Bioregion rangeland condition – what does this say about grazing management
- Presentation on the NPWS approach to understanding rangeland condition in Riverina bioregion reserves
- Updates on current rangeland management programs & research
- Discussion of the way in which monitoring data can translate to useful information for land managers, Landcare groups, CMAs and Government agencies
The Mulloon Institute Land Restoration Day - Bungendore
The Mulloon Creek Natural Sequence Farming demonstration site was set up over 5 years ago, and there have been some amazing changes over that time.
On Saturday 5th November, Peter Andrews will be at the farm to talk about the repair work undertaken, the results that have been achieved, and the other landscape management techniques being applied.
7th National Native Grasslands Conference - Holbrook
Stipa, the Native Grasslands Association, present the Seventh National Native Grasslands Conference: Managing native grasslands for soil and animal health.
The conference will be held at the Holbrook Town Hall on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 November 2011. The conference will cover a range of topics, including soil health, pasture cropping, livestock systems, native pasture and healthy people.
Sustainable Horse Management on Small Properties seminar - Queanbeyan
Jane Myers, educator and author of the book 'Managing horses on small properties' will deliver a one-day seminar in Queanbeyan on Saturday 19th November 2011.
The seminar will cover:
- Pasture improvement
- Grazing management
- Property design and horse facilities
- Water protection, conservation and supply
- Manure management
- Trees and plants
- Horse health and behaviour
'Equiculture' seminar - Kambah
The Southern ACT Catchment Group and ActewAGL Source Water Protection are holding an evening "Equiculture" seminar for horse owners and horse agistment property owners.
The seminar will be presented by Jane Myers, author of the popular 'Managing horses on small properties' book, and will cover:
- The grazing behaviour of horses
- The grazing management of horses
- Innovative designs for horse properties
- Practical solutions for the problems faced by horse owners
African Lovegrass workshop - Kambah
A number of groups in the ACT have come together to offer a free workshop on African Lovegrass, designed specially for Landcarers and Parkcarers. African Lovegrass (ALG) is an extremely invasive grass weed, which poses a major threat to the biodiversity of our native grasslands and woodlands.
The workshop will include presentations on the extent of the problem, how individuals can help stop the spread of ALG, biology and identification of ALG, and the latest developments being applied in ALG control.
Undergraduate Survey of Landcare
Ben Gleeson, Secretary of the Braidwood Urban Landcare Group, is currently conducting an online survey about Landcare as part of his studies in Land Management (Ecological Agriculture) at Charles Sturt University.
The survey will only take 5 minutes of your time, and can be accessed at:
ABARES Community Weed Management Survey
The Social Sciences section of the Australian Bureau of Agricultural & Resource Economics & Sciences (ABARES) is currently conducting a survey relating to the experiences of groups in obtaining or providing resources and information for weed management activities.
The survey can be accessed at the following link:
Carbon Farming Initiative - Update
Legislation for the Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) was passed in late August, meaning the scheme will soon officially commence. From December 2011, you will be able to register to participate and open an account in the National Registry of Emissions Units. Where methodologies are available, you will also be able to begin applying for approval of proposed projects.