Rangeland condition

What does this mean to you?
How is this relevant to you?
What is the current status of the Riverina Rangeland?
Hay Landcare group is planning a workshop for early 2012 that will address these questions. The workshop will involve a mix of presentations and participant input
This will include:
- Outcomes and lessons learnt from the Riverina Grazed Native Vegetation Project to date, including monitoring and analysis of Rangeland Assessment Program (RAP) key sites and data. Presentation and discussion
- Panel session on current Riverina Bioregion rangeland condition – what does this say about grazing management
- Presentation on the NPWS approach to understanding rangeland condition in Riverina bioregion reserves
- Updates on current rangeland management programs & research
- Discussion of the way in which monitoring data can translate to useful information for land managers, Landcare groups, CMAs and Government agencies.
Location: Hay Services Club, 371 Murray Street
Date and time: TBA
Morning, afternoon tea and lunch provided
For further information contact:
Wendy Minato, (wendy.minato@csiro.au, phone 02 6960 1535)