Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news No. 9 December 2011

- Environmental Trust Grants - Community Bush Regeneration
- Small Environmental Grant Scheme
- RASF Community Futures Grants
- Art4Agriculture 2012
- Monaro Landscape Connectivity information night - Bungendore
- Riverina Highlands Landcare Network - Short Film and Dinner Evening - Tumut
- Sustainable Horse Management Field Day
- Rangeland condition
- Congratulations to our local Community Action Grant recipients!
- Learning about native vegetation around Griffith
Environmental Trust Grants - Community Bush Regeneration
The Environmental Trust have recently announced $8 million in funding under the Community Bush Regeneration Large Project Stream, a subset of the Environmental Restoration and Rehabilitation program. The funding will provide grants for local community groups to undertake large-scale bush regeneration projects, over a six year period.
Small Environmental Grant Scheme
The December round of the Small Environmental Grant Scheme is now open! The scheme is run by the Norman Wettenhall Foundation, and supported by the RE Ross Trust, with the aim of supporting community biodiversity projects around Australia.
Expressions of interest need to be submitted by Thursday 8th December, with funding to be awarded in February 2012.
RASF Community Futures Grants
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW Foundation is offering young people in NSW the opportunity to secure up to $25,000 in funding for a community project in their local area. All you have to do is:
Art4Agriculture 2012
In 2012, the Australian 'Year of the Farmer' is joining up with Art4Agriculture to deliver one of the country's most exciting education programs to primary and secondary schools across the country. Schools are being invited to register their interest now, to explore the role of farming in Australia and win exciting prizes!
Monaro Landscape Connectivity information night - Bungendore
The Monaro Landscape Connectivity project aims to work with land managers to actively manage patches of native vegetation. Management activities may include:
- Fencing to manage stock access,
- Strategic planting of native trees and shrubs, and
- Controlling exotic plants.
Riverina Highlands Landcare Network - Short Film and Dinner Evening - Tumut
The Riverina Highlands Landcare Network invites you to a starlit evening of visual and culinary delight! This year, the annual dinner will be something very special, with the screening of two inspirational short films - "Hope in a changing climate" and "3 weeks 3 peaks" - on a huge outdoor screen.
Sustainable Horse Management Field Days
The Molongolo Catchment Group are holding a series of community field days on sustainable horse management on small properties. The field days will be presented by Jane Myers (expert on horse management, and author of "Managing horses on small properties") and Alison Elvin (expert on pastures and weed management).
Field days will be held at Wamboin, Michelago, and Murrumbateman.
Rangeland condition
What does this mean to you? How is this relevant to you? What is the current status of the Riverina Rangeland?
Hay Landcare group is planning a workshop for early 2012 that will address these questions. The workshop will involve a mix of presentations and participant input.
Congratulations to our local Community Action Grant recipients!
The Australian Government has just announced the recipients of the 2011 Community Action Grants, under the Caring for Our Country program. Community Action Grants offer up to $20,000 to community groups, to help address local priority issues. The Grants generally open around July each year, and are a great opportunity for local groups to get support for important projects and initiatives.
Learning about native vegetation around Griffith
On Wednesday November 23rd 2011 staff and Councillors from Griffith City Council attended a Vegetation Identification and Management workshop hosted by Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.