Australasian Bat Night!
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Where would we be without bats? There are 90 species of bats in Australia, some can eat their own body weight in insects in a single night, others pollinate flowering and fruiting plants, and yet most of us know very little about our amazing little neighbours.
The first Australasian Bat Night will be held on the weekend of 3-4th March
The Australasian Bat Society is encouraging everyone to get involved, so get your bat-thinking-caps on and brainstorm some batty activities that could be held in your area.
Contact us if you're interested in hosting a bat event - you don't have to be a bat expert, you just need enthusiasm!
The Australasian Bat Society have some suggestions for bat events you can run.
Want to Know More?
The entire month of March 2012 is dedicated to learning about and celebrating bats - in honour of Bat Month, Murrumbidgee Landcare will be putting up batty facts and information on our website throughout March. Be sure to check it out!
You can find out other fascinating bites of bat information via the Australasian Bat Society's website all year 'round.