4th National NRM Knowledge conference - Adelaide
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The National NRM Regions’ Working Group in partnership with WWF, ACF, and NFF, and supported by the Australian Government Land and Coasts Team, invites you to register for the 4th National NRM Knowledge Conference to be held in Adelaide from Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th April 2012.
Under the banner of 'There’s a lot happening in our backyard' the conference will address a number of sub-themes:
- Applying resilience approaches to NRM
- Healthy and productive landscapes/seascapes
- Planning for new horizons
Each sub-theme will explore related research and development (innovation), practice change, monitoring, and governance developments.
The Conference will be an opportunity for planning, policy and on-ground practitioners to share their relevant successes, experiences and learnings with their Australia-wide colleagues and to see and hear examples of how programs are being delivered by peers to achieve healthy and resilient landscapes inclusive of productive, cultural and natural systems.
Registration for the conference costs $650 (or $350/$300 for just the Tues/Wed). To register, or get more information on the conference, check out the conference website.