3rd National Conference on Acid Sulphate Soils
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A lot has changed since the last national acid sulfate soil conference in 1996.
Our understanding of how and where acid sulfate soils form has grown considerably and we have since found that they exist in every state and territory. Along with extensive deposits around Australia's coastline they've also been found inland, in areas such as the Western Australian wheat belt, alpine areas of Tasmania and wetlands throughout the Murray-Darling Basin.
Acid sulfate soil management is now a specialist activity involving many hundreds of working professionals in both the private and public sector.
Given all that has been learnt in the past sixteen years, it's time to come together again to share our experiences and exchange ideas. There is much to learn from each other.
Southern Cross GeoScience is proud to host the 3rd National Acid Sulfate Soil Conference, in Melbourne on the 6th & 7th of March, 2012.