Adapting Agriculture Management to Cope with High Rainfall - Webinar and Seminar
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Adapting agriculture management to cope with high intensity rainfall Webinar and seminar will be held on Thursday March 15th.
Professors Jim Salinger, Stanford University and NCCARF and Holger Meinke, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture will be presenting from 11:30 am 12:30 pm, followed by refreshments.
Venue: Theatre 1, 207 Bouverie St (building 379), Parkville, University of Melbourne, and available remotely via live online webinar
Although Australia is among the driest continents, global warming will manifest in more variable rainfall and increased extreme events. This is already having massive impacts on agriculture. Three days of extreme rainfall events in Tasmania in 2011 destroyed vegetable crops and wine grapes, and spread disease. In this seminar, Professors Salinger and Meinke outline a new project to improve early warning systems and risk management of the increasing flood threat. This will enable farmers to adapt cropping systems, and produce methods that will have applications throughout Australias flood-prone farmland.
RSVP: To attend either the webinar or seminar please register online by 9 March at: