Biodynamics for grazing, cropping and horticulture - Bungendore
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The Mulloon Institute are running an introductory biodynamics course with John Priestly and Hamish Mackay, over the weekend of 21-22 April 2012. In this course John and Hamish work together to present both the background theory as well as the on-ground practicalities of running a biodynamic farm or garden.
Biodynamics is a cost effective method of producing high quality plants, food and fibre with regenerative ecological outcomes. In this two-day introductory workshop, you will learn about topics including:
- How biodynamic preparations contribute to the soil food web, creating fertility and balance in your soil
- The practical knowledge you need to start applying biodynamics
- The life of the soil and how to create more fertility
- Managing your natural resources
- Using the planting calendar
- Developing risk management for weeds, pests and diseases
- Meeting climate change challenges, such as drought, flood, and carbon sequestration.
The course fee is $110 per person (much reduced thanks to a large subsidy from The Organic Federation of Australia). The fee includes morning and afternoon tea, lunch and workshop notes.
Bookings are essential, and can be completed by contacting The Mulloon Institute: