Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group - Bush Stone Curlew presentation and dinner
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Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group are holding a special dinner and presentation on the Bush Stone Curlew, to coincide with their Annual General Meeting. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Jan and Neville Lubke, farmers from Jindera, are part of the Nature Conservation Working Group, an environmental group undertaking a captive breeding and release program for the endangered Bush Stone Curlew. They will be talking about their progress over the past ten years in creating 'sustainable pockets' to protect the last remaining Curlews in our region. They will also talk about what we can do to help this important species survive in our local landscapes.
The dinner will be held on Wednesday 9th May, at the Wagga Wagga Country Club (Plumpton Road, Wagga). The AGM will commence at 6.30 pm, with dinner and the guest speakers from around 7.00 pm.
Dinner will be a two course meal, costing $15 for Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group members, or $35 for non-members.
Please RSVP by Monday 7th May to Mardi Pillow (Secretary, Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group) on 69 281 321.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group, or would like more information about the activities and projects the group is involved in, please contact Peter Lawson (Chair of the Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group):, or (02) 69 281 130.
For more information on the Bush Stone Curlew, check out the website of the Nature Conservation Working Group at: