National Landcare Conference - Call for abstracts
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The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) are currently inviting submissions of abstracts for presentations or poster displays for the National Landcare Conference. The conference is being held at the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, on the 3rd - 5th September 2012.
The conference will take place in Landcare Week and will be an exciting opportunity to bring together people that are interested in creating sustainable landscapes for the 21st century. Participants from Landcare and community groups, land managers, industry, regional bodies and government representatives from across Australia will converge on Sydney for the conference.
DAFF have surveyed the community, and they highlighted an interest in presentations that give examples of innovation, new and different practices, applying science, lessons learnt and what practices work well and what doesn’t. Presentations across the themes that highlight international experiences are also encouraged.
The call for abstracts has been extended, and will now close on Tuesday 19th June 2012, for assessment by the National Landcare Conference Steering Committee. The Steering Committee represent key stakeholders of the Landcare community, and provide DAFF with guidance in the development of the conference.
For more information on the guidelines and process for submission of abstracts, please visit the DAFF website: