Sutton Landcare - Fire ecology and management presentation
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The next meeting of Sutton Landcare will be held on Tuesday 12th June from 7.30 pm at Sutton school. At 8.00 pm Dr Malcolm Gill will address the group on fire ecology. His talk will cover the role of fires in the landscape, how rural development has impacted on fire behavior, the environmental benefits of fires and how plantings might be designed to reduce the impact of fires. All interested persons are welcome to attend.
Malcolm spent many years at CSIRO as a Fire Ecologist. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment and Society at ANU. His interests are in fire weather, fire effects and fire management. He has published widely on fire ecology and fire regimes. Malcolm was a member of the Victorian Bushfire Inquiry following the 2003 fires, and an expert witness to the 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. He was also personally and professionally involved in the 2003 Canberra bushfires.
This meeting will provide an opportunity to hear from a highly experienced fire ecology expert on what is a complex and controversial subject and one where regulations on lighting fires may not always be in the best interests of environmental management.
If you would like any further information about the talk, or about Sutton Landcare, please contact:
- Tony Redmond (Secretary): 62 303 266, or
- David Vincent (President): 62 303 584