Conservation Farming Workshop
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29 Aug 2012 - 9:00am
Murrumbidgee CMA are hosting the following FREE one-day Conservation Farming workshops.
Wednesday 29 August 2012 - Wagga Wagga RSL Club
Friday 31 August 2012 - Ardlethan Bowling and Recreation Club
Both workshops will run from 9am to 4pm
These workshops, delivered by RuralBiz Training, will provide you with an opportunity to find out how conservation farming can contribute more to improving the productivity and profitability of your farm without having to spend a fortune.
Presenter: John Minogue, RuralBiz Training
RSVP: Monday 20 August 2012
Peter Beal, Murrumbidgee CMA Leeton office on 02 6953 0716 or email:
Numbers for the workshops are limited, more information is available from the CMA's website.