Grass Identification Workshops - Yanco
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15 Oct 2012 - 8:30am
Recognising Grasses - 15 October Yanco
1-day workshop at Certificate II level costing $225
Designed to help people recognise common weedy, native and desirable introduced grasses within an area and understand what they may indicate about the environment and management of a site.
Participants will develop the skills and knowledge to recognise 12-16 grasses using only a few features and collect useful samples for identification.
Identifying Grasses - 16 October Yanco
1-day workshop at Diploma level $295 fee includes Grasses of NSW & hand lens
Designed to extend participants’ knowledge and skills beyond the basic recognition and collection techniques developed in the Recognising Grasses workshop. It is suitable for officers who wish to identify grasses anywhere in NSW using botanical keys and/or be able to develop a professional quality reference herbarium. Recognising Grasses is a pre-requisite for this course.