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15 Mar 2013 (All day)
Condobolin Agricultural Research Station
Friday, 15th of March 2012
Find out about local and international trends in agriculture, and how farmers can maintain productivity and profitability, now and into the future.
Day Session: 8.30 - 4.30
- GRDC & CSIRO research into the impacts of insects and native vegetation upon pest suppression in the Cropping zone
- EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation; Herbicide resistance in the cropping zones - implications and trends
- DPI Long range weather forecasts for the Central West; with specific reference to agricultural production
- CSIRO On farm benefits of genetic diversity in Native Vegetation
- ABARE studies into Native vegetation management on agricultural land
- Whats been happening @ Wirrinun? a look @ whole of farm planning in the Condobolin District.
- Vincent Fairfax Family foundation; payment for Ecosystem Services
- Outcomes of CWFS and LCMA Soil Carbon Sequestration tests.
BBQ lunch and light refreshments provided
Dinner & evening session: 6.00pm
"The Importance of Soil health upon your health", Dr Carole Hungerford
Evening meal, refreshments and structured children's activities will be provided.
This forum is being hosted by Condobolin and District Landcare and the Lachlan Catchment Management Authority.
Bookings essential, RSVP prior to 12th of March
- For day presentation: Nick Hill: 0409 677 026,
- Evening presentation: Kate Kirk: 02 6895 1108,