Greater Goorooyarroo Strategic Plan
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The Greater Goorooyarroo Strategic Plan to be revealed.
Greening Australia, together with the ACT Government, Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority and other Project partners, have embarked on a large biodiversity woodland restoration project in the Greater Goorooyarroo region. This region, which incorporates the Gungahlin area of the ACT and the surrounding Sutton-Gundaroo region of NSW, is considered to be among the most functional and resilient box gum woodlands in Australia.
A strategic plan has been developed to achieve continuing improvement in biodiversity, connectivity and function of this landscape over the longer term. This plan, formed, in consultation with and incorporating contributions from, local residents, seeks to make the region an even more desirable place to live.
The plan contains a raft of initiatives including restoration and linking of areas of native vegetation, , more effective management of water and problem plants and animals, better planning and regulatory arrangements and improved awareness in the community of what needs to be done and how to go about it.
The architects of the plan, Jeni De Landre from Greening Australia and Sandy Booth from Total Catchment Management Services, will take us through these initiatives and the reasons for them at a public meeting at Sutton school on <strong>Tuesday 12th February</strong>.
The meeting, jointly organized by Sutton Landcare and Sutton and District Community Association, will commence at 7.30 pm with our two speakers taking the floor at 8.00 pm.
Copies of the draft strategic plan are available from Jeni (Phone 6253 3035 Tuesday-Friday, or via email at Comments are very welcome through till 1st February and a one page feedback sheet is also available to facilitate responses.
All interested persons are welcome to attend. Further details may be obtained from Tony Redman Landcare secretary ph 62303266.
David Vincent (Sutton Landcare President)