Tussock Tamers field day - Gunning
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9 Mar 2013 - 9:30am
A Field Day for Beginners and Grizzled Weed Warriors Alike
What’s New? What’s Tried and True? The Latest and the Best on Display to Help You Control Troublesome Weeds like Serrated Tussock
Can you tell Serrated Tussock from the dozens of beneficial native tussocks in our district? Or have you been fighting this weed for years and know it all too well? Whether you’re new to rural life or have been at the game for decades, you will find this From Hoes to Helicopters field day good fun and good value.
When: From around 9.30am to 2.30pm on Saturday 9 March.
Where: Yellangalo, Berrebangalo Rd Ladevale [follow signs from Ladevale Rd].
Why: Serrated Tussock is a serious environmental, economic and social
menace in the Upper Lachlan. Yes, it can be controlled but, for us to make
lasting headway, we need to attack it together. As well as a legal obligation to do so, it is most of all about being a good neighbour.