Carer Assist workshop: Assisting with Grief and Loss
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Assisting Families
Carer Assist Education
Module 9: Assisting with Grief & Loss
Gain a better understanding about the issues of grief and loss in regard to a family member or friend living with a mental illness. Also develop some skills to deal with these issues.
LEETON: 10am-1pm Thursday 28th February, including a light lunch.
This program is free of charge and you do not need to be on the carer pension to attend, however, bookings are essential.
For further information or to book a place contact
Carer Assist Griffith: (02) 6962 3099
(operating hours 9am-5pm Tuesday- Thursday)
Carer Assist is a service of the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW and funded through the Family and Carer Mental Health Program NSW.