Call for expressions of interest - Landcare history consultancy
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Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare group seeks expressions of interest from suitably qualified or experienced persons to undertake historical research and writing as a component of the following project:
Project title:
Celebrating biodiversity enhancement on the Wiradjuri Track, past & present.
Project description:
This project will document the history of the Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare group and the sites that it has worked on over the past 20 years. It will map and describe the sites and the environmental issues which the group has attempted to address. It will assess their current status and propose future action. The objective of the project is to celebrate and promote community environmental action in order to encourage increased involvement; increase community understanding of indigenous values in NRM; and plan and initiate future action for the sites to improve their management for biodiversity conservation.
History component
Through analysis of documents, photos and interviews with key personnel, the contractor will document the history of the Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare group and the sites where the group has worked. This research will result in:
- A booklet on the history of the group for both print and web publication.
- Identification of sites around Wagga Wagga where the group has worked over the past 20 years.
- Recommendations for content of educational signage to be erected at selected sites.
- Recommendations for content of brochures identifying Landcare sites along the Wiradjuri Track.
- Digital recordings of oral history interviews which can be lodged with the Riverina Library.
- Digital scans of images and maps which can be lodged with the Riverina Library
Documentation of history of the group is to be completed by 3rd June 2013. The consultant will report to the Chair of Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare.
Expressions of interest
Please apply in writing including the following:
- Why you are interested in the project
- Your qualifications or experience to undertake this work
- How you would approach the task
- The name of two referees.
Please forward Expressions of Interest to:, or The Executive, Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare, P.O.Box 1083, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650.