Carbon Farming Initiative Indigenous Webinar
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26 Mar 2013 (All day)
The Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (DCCEE) invites you to join a webinar on Tuesday 26 March 2013 to focus on opportunities for Indigenous land managers under the Carbon Farming Initiative.
To join the webinar, simply go to the following web page on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 from 11.45am for a 12pm (AEDT) start:
The webinar will cover:
· Methodologies relevant to Indigenous land: update and further work
· Pathways on Indigenous land: how native title works under the CFI
· CFI principles of ‘permanence and additionality’: what they mean and why they matter
· Funding and resources: where to get help to get started
· Case study: practical lessons from the field
The webinar will run for approximately one hour and include an interactive question and answer session. You can submit questions via an online form during the webinar itself, or beforehand by sending an email to the CFI Team at