Regenerating Australia's Soil Health - webinar series
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22 May 2013 - 12:30pm
A series of webinars have been developed with farmers and others with an interest in land management in mind. They aim to help drive a national conversation around soil health, share information and ideas from leading figures such as former Governor General and Advocate for Soil Health, Michael Jeffery, leading scientists and importantly farmers from across the country who are implementing changes on their farms.
Part I – Wednesday 22nd May 12.30pm (AEST)
“Healthy Soils – why is this important, what is the science telling us & a view from on the ground”
Michael Jeffery – former Governor General and Soils Advocate: Why is the issue of soil health important?
Mike Grundy – leading CSIRO scientist: What are the components of healthy soils and the outcomes required?
David Marsh – Grazier and Landcare Co-ordinator – The view from ‘on the ground’
Q & A