RASF Community Futures Grant 2014
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The RAS Foundation, through its Community Futures Grant, is giving young people (under the age of 35) who live in rural and regional NSW the chance to secure up to $25,000 to deliver a new and innovative community project.
If you have an idea or want to tackle a local issue, and can partner with an existing community organisation or group to deliver your project you are eligible to apply!
Now in its sixth year, the RAS Foundation Community Futures Grant has gifted $250,000 to community projects across NSW including the rebuilding of the community owned Rock Valley Post Office, the renovation of a church hall and kitchen in Narrandera and the development of an indigenous art gallery in Delegate.
In 2014, the RAS Foundation will be accepting applications for smaller projects, for example, the upgrading of a roof of a small community hall that would be utilised by multiple community groups, as well as projects that require up to $25,000.
Applications close 13 January, 2014. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit http://www.rasnsw.com.au/832.htm to find out more about the RAS Foundation Community Futures Grant and to complete the online application form.