Indian Myna birds in our Environment
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Everyone is welcome to come to the next meeting of the Murrumbateman Landcare Group that will be at the Murrumbateman Recreation Hall, 7.30pm on Thursday 6th March.
The topic will be Indian Myna birds, an introduced pest species that has become more common in the Yass Valley area recently and causes significant problems. Jacqui Stol, David McEwan and Jeff Cartwright from Yass Valley Council will give us some information on the impact of these birds, demonstrate how to use the myna traps and other ways to help control them. Jacqui will also show how make your garden attractive to native birds and help avoid pest birds like Indian Mynas.
All vineyard operators are particularly welcome as these birds are often attracted to the fruit at this time of year and it is an opportunity to reduce their numbers.
Also ABC TV are running a new series on Australian birds with Episode 5 at 6.30pm, Saturday 1st March featuring Indian Mynas and the Canberra Indian Myna Action Group (CIMAG) with whom Murrumbateman Landcare have been coordinating over the years to develop our Indian Myna control program. It also features other pest birds and should provide an interesting perspective on this problem bird.
Please stay for a cuppa after the meeting if you would like to have a chat with other members. If you are able to bring some nibbles to share that would be appreciated!
Gill Hall
Secretary MLG