Agriculture Industry Action Plan Taskforce - draft recommendations
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On behalf of the Agriculture Industry Action Plan Taskforce, I invite you to comment on the draft recommendations developed by the taskforce.
The NSW Government had established an industry-led Taskforce to develop an Industry Action Plan (IAP) for Agriculture in NSW. Agriculture was identified by the NSW Innovation and Productivity Council as a priority industry for the development of an Industry Action Plan (IAP).
The Taskforce is seeking your advice on the draft recommendations. These were developed in consultation with stakeholders, for both Industry and Government to address the key issues facing the NSW agricultural industry.
Your feedback on the draft recommendations will lead to the finalisation of the Agriculture IAP that will set out actions for industry and government to encourage industry growth for the decade to come. With your help, the recommendations will put in place actions to enhance growth, innovation and productivity in the NSW agricultural sector. The Agriculture IAP will provide the framework for industry-government partnerships beyond the NSW 2021 horizon, ensuring that government and industry work together to best take advantage of opportunities and manage risks appropriately.
The taskforce's draft recommendations for government has been released for comment and will be available for viewing and public submissions at
Written submissions regarding the draft recommendations close Wednesday 30th April 2014. Please feel free to circulate this invitation to other industry stakeholders for their information and comment.
I thank you in anticipation of your involvement
Lucinda Corrigan
Agricultural Industry Action Plan Taskforce