Special 25th anniversary Landcare grants
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To celebrate 25 years of Landcare, Landcare Australia are offering 25 grants of up to $1000. These are available for Landcare groups to support local Landcare week events that aim to increase the number of volunteers involved in Landcare.
The event which the funding supports must be held during the month of September 2014.
If your group would like to hold an event or engage a guest speaker to mark 25 years of Landcare considering applying:
For more information visit:
Groups that can apply to use the Landcare 25 years logo are local community based environmental volunteer groups that focus upon on-ground works, including Coastcare, Landcare, Friends of, Bushcare, Dunecare, Rivercare and Junior Landcare groups. Any group wishing to use the Landcare 25 Years logo must be registered on the National Landcare Directory and must have its own group logo.