Sutton Landcare group meeting
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When: 10 June 2014, 7.30pm
Where: Sutton School
Guest Speaker: Bill Watson
Topic: Capital Region Farmers Market
At 8.00 pm our guest speaker, Bill Watson, will address us on the Capital Region Farmers Market and related issues. Bill is a member of the Rotary Club of Hall where he has been Director of the Market and responsible for compliance. He is also the Principal of Watson Agriculture Resources and Environmental Consulting. Bill’s address will provide an in depth analysis of the nature , history and objectives of this Market, Market rules- in particular compliance and the authenticity of suppliers and produce- and issues of legislation, waste disposal, competition. He will also outline projects funded by the income earned by the Market.
Bill has had a long and distinguished career as an analyst and researcher in rural , environmental and natural resource issues at the former Bureau of Agricultural Economics, as a visiting Fellow at the CRES unit at ANU and as a private consultant.
Bill and family graze cattle on a small farm out on the Yass River Road – “Greenfield Farm”. He has participated in a River Restoration Project and the construction of a “fish friendly culvert” on the Yass River on their property - conducted by the Murrumbidgee CMA and the Yass Valley Council.
With his extensive background in the economics and science underlying agricultural and natural resource issues and his experience as Market director and as a local farmer, Bill is uniquely placed to provide a detailed perspective on the extraordinarily popular Capital Region Farmers Market.
All interested persons are invited to attend. Further details of the event may be obtained from Sutton Landcare Secretary Tony Redman (ph 62303266).
David Vincent (President)