Your future agricultural workforce
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Your future agricultural workforce: my options, what to do, who can help me - Workforce event in Griffith.
This event will provide information on regional and international workers for Riverina farmers, and those in agriculture.
In the morning there will be presentations, in the afternoon the speakers will be available to meet one-on-one.
Workshops will be held if there is sufficient interest in particular topics.
Topics to date include:
- Agriculture training that is happening in the Riverina & how training can help your business.
- Initiatives to ensure that we have regional workers tomorrow: attracting, training and recruiting.
- Labour hire: what you need to know; what is available; what you can expect
- International workers: visa options for agriculture; overview of the process; challenges and solutions.
- Are you interested in having overseas students working on your farm?
- About to start employing, or just employ casuals? The basics on what to do, and your responsibilities.
- Farmer stories about training and visas: lessons learned and happy endings.
This event is sponsored by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation (CRDC) as part of a research project being conducted by the University of Melbourne.
It is being run in conjunction with the Regional Development Australia (RDA), Riverina.
Input into the program, which is currently being developed, is encouraged.
Please contact Hayley Wordsworth - or 0487 325 526 to suggest additions to the program,
Further information Dr. Jennifer Moffatt - or 0422 183 011